As requested by our users we have implemented a new option – Team Management page. This option would be very welcomed for contests having Teams competition – ARRL Sweepstakes, NAQP, BERU etc.
The Team Management page enables any registered user to create a new team, rename or delete any team has been created by the user. You can create more than one team, but only one team can be active in a contest.
The new option link is on the Profile page:
The team manager will be able to monitor all of their team members on this page. The team manger can delete a team member if needed.
Please contact us by if you have any questions or in case if you need an assistance with registering a team with your profile.
Is this tool set mainly for dispersed Teams ?
IOW Everyone is playing from their own QTH for a combined score ?
Or can this tool set help a station manager that is Hoisting a Multi-op team at his own station
By allowing OPS to select blocks of time that this wish to operate ?
Seems like the later is the answer
and we will need to continue to use google calendar and other apps for scheduling
or did I miss that feature ???
The team feature is just a way to aggregate scores of operators working from their own stations. It is not for operator scheduling.
Greetings, are the teams and their scores also displayed in the scoreboard during the contest? Do you have any screenshots of that?
Brian N9ADG
Please read the very first post about the Team Competition page – We activate that page link “Teams” just only for certain contests having teams competition. It’s easy to get one by visiting the ARRL SS CW scoreboard which is active during this week.
Please feel free to contact us if you still have more questions.