We see some people find using scoreboards distractive due to a huge data shown on one page. We have prepared a few tips how to reduce that impact by using Filters and View options:
Using “Chase the Rabbit” View option.
It only display the five scores above and five below your score. (Works only if your call is on the board!)
That how the board looks like once it activated:
2. Using “Top Ten” View option. It only display Top Ten highest scores in each category.
It could be very useful if you a leader:
That how the board looks like once it activated:
3. Using Category/Band/Power/Continent etc. Filter
You could customize your scoreboard content as you wish by using many parameter filters.
That’s what you have:
4. Cleaning up all Filter/View settings by one click.
If you have screwed up all the filters and view options the result will be an empty board. To refresh and get back to a default option (show everything) you need just one click on “Clear filter” option:
5. Try to use mobile template on your desktop.
Just click on that thumbnail:
It has a small footprint so could be easily be between your logger windows:
It’s easy to come back to a usual view. Just click on the three white strips at the right top and choose “Quite Mobile”.
Real Time Contesting (RTC) is a new technology of contest adjudication in near Real Time. We have prepared a new projecthttps://hamscore.com/. It looks similar to our online scoring project https://contestonlinescore.com/. But it has one significant difference. It constantly collects log data from loggers during a contest.
The RTC server processes all the logs from all the participants in near real time and publishes calculated scores in a contest board. After a contest finishes it gives some extra time (10-30 minutes) for making corrections in a contest log and in a few minutes after that it publishes final results. Every logged in participant can see a personal log check results on a personal profile page. No need to send logs and wait for months anymore to see the contest results!
The project is in the testing stage and the first contest we provide service for – CW-Ops on Wednesdays. The RTC reports to HAMSCORE automatically be passed to Online Scoring server – https://contestonlinescore.com/. So no need to worry about that.}}
Setup RTC in N1MM+ log:
1. Check up the “Include real time QSO data for real scoring” checkbox at the Configuration -> Score Reporting tag.
2. Type this URL in the “Score Reporting Server” field: https://hamscore.com/postxml/(don’t forget the last slash symbol !!! )
3. Type your COSB password (otherwise your postings will be refused)
4. Keep “Updated Interval (mins)” 2 minutes.
Be sure to enter a proper exchange (your name and CWOps number). Otherwise that will be reported as Name Exch and all the QSO with you will be marked as “Wrong Exchange” and not be valid in all your correspondents’ logs:
Setup RTC in DXLog:
The RTC option added to the DXLog starting from the version 2.6.8.
1. Click Commands|Live score|Setup|Live score server settings
On the bottom-left of the window a countdown will start, indicating next data transmission to RTC.
On the bottom-right is the status with the QSOs to be sent in next transmission
Using HAMSCORE.com
Please note the RTC server (HAMSCORE.com) starts accepting logs 2 (TWO) hours before a contest starts!
Please login to the https://hamscore.com/. On your personal profile page you can find two links on your log check results and your log in Cabrillo. During the testing mode they are showing results instantly. In the normal mode – the only log without any check results will be shown, The check log results will be published after the “Contest is finished. Results are published” status be up in the contest board’s header.
Once “Contest is finished. Results are published” status be up the real Score/QSO/Mults data will be published on the board. The only RTC Score is published on a board during a contest time. The QSO/Mults are published as they claimed during a contest. We did that to remove some sort of online assistance to operators during a contest.
One more thing – in our reality RTC means – The NEAR Real Time Contesting. Since a logger reporting period is 2 minutes – the server could publish the latest RTC Score within at least 2 minutes. Please add some processing time and a web page refresh rate as well.
The Contest Online ScoreBoard is not supporting the Russian DX Contest in 2024 due to the RDXC treating Ukrainian regions as Russian. They are clearly and deliberately violating International amateur radio agreements as this would promote illegal country or region activations in amateur radio terms:
Donetsk region
Lugansk region
Kherson region
Zaporozhye region
We see an obvious HAM Spirit violation by involving dirty politics into HAM Radio contesting.
The screenshot taken from the RDXC official website. The contest rules page (in Russian language):
Support for the RDXC will be re-evaluated next year.
We will not serve other Russian contests that claim the Ukrainian occupied territories as part of Russia. There will be no special message.