Our scoring service automatically recognizes new club name provided in a scoring posting and adds a new club to the COSB clubs list if there is no any club associated with a user profile. It will be automatically assigned to a user profile as well. A user should be careful with the club name. For example Preble ARA or Preble Amatuer Radio Association will be considered as two different clubs.
We have configured COSB server to use a user profile configured club as the highest priority. Once club is configured in a user profile any other club provided by a logger will be ignored. That could be changed manually to another club from the COSB clubs list on the profile page ( https://contestonlinescore.com/profile/ ).

Another option would be emptying the club name on the profile page and configure a new club in a logger. This way user can add a new club to the COSB list by him/herself by using own logger application.